
1st Mar

We Are Compassionate & Inclusive

We would like to reassure our patients, staff and colleagues across the wider NHS, that #TeamGNWMP stands shoulder to shoulder with our community during these troubling and distressing times.
The NHS has common values that all are welcome, with a culture of belonging and trust, celebrating diversity in all its forms.
We know racism, abuse, discrimination, violence and bullying has no place in our community.
Heidi AI
22nd Feb

Heidi AI

Some GPs are currently trialling an AI app with our clinical system, to help us document consultations.

This requires the app to listen to the consultation and transcribe notes, which are then saved to your records. The recording is deleted.

It has been approved by the NHS, and meets the Data Protection Act and GDPR rules. If you do not wish to participate, please let your doctor know when they ask for consent.

To find out more click here.


Data & Privacy FAQs

What happens to my data at each step of the Heidi process?

  1. Your conversation is converted to text to create a transcript of what was discussed. This transcription is happening live as you speak, so no recording is ever stored.
  2. Once the transcript is complete it is de-identified (see more details below).
  3. The transcript is passed through the AI App where it converts the transcript into an easy to use format for your medical record.
  4. Your transcript is stored in an encrypted and de-identified manner on Heidi servers until the clinician deletes it permanently.

As stated in Heidi's privacy policy, your data is not being used to train or improve the AI model.

22nd Feb

Virtual Patient Participation Group (PPG)

As of late 2024, our Patient Participation Group (PPG) has disbanded, but we are evolving & going virtual! We are now communicating with you through our website, social media, & a new WhatsApp channel.
Here’s how you can stay connected:
  • Our Website - find the latest updates, news & helpful resources.
  • Social Media - follow us for real-time updates & important announcements.
  • WhatsApp Channel - we have introduced a one-way WhatsApp channel to keep you informed with important messages, reminders, updates, polls, & surveys. (You will not be able to reply but we will make sure you stay in the loop).
We are excited to continue connecting with you in a way that is convenient & flexible. We will still be listening to your feedback and working hard to improve your experience.
Stay tuned for more updates on how to get involved! 
22nd Feb

Exciting News - TITAN Dispensary is Coming Soon!

We are thrilled to announce that TITAN Dispensary will soon be available at our practice! This new service is here to make getting your medications easier & more efficient
Here’s what TITAN Dispensary will offer:
  • Quick Prescription Processing – Your prescriptions will be processed quickly & efficiently.
  • Instant Collection Notification – We will notify you when your medication is ready for collection – no need to wait!
Stay tuned for more details as we prepare to launch. We cannot wait to offer you a faster & more convenient way to manage your prescriptions.
22nd Feb

The National Living Wage & National Insurance Rise - Affects GP Surgeries

Practices have been estimating the impact of upcoming increases to the National Living Wage & National Insurance on practice budgets.
Following analysis of these figures, the Institute of General Practice Management (IGPM) can reveal that the average cost per practice comes in at £36,000, simply to increase the salaries of those currently on NMW. Practices reported an additional £34,000 in costs to maintain current wage differentials, making the true cost of the changes £70,000. Totalling £550m for practices across the UK, these figures are significantly higher than previous estimates suggested.
The IGPM said:
"The major effect of these increases will, no doubt, be a reduction in staffing. Where practices decide not to replace staff who leave, this will reduce overall capacity. Staff who can obtain improved benefits or higher pay for their skills elsewhere will leave general practice. If the practice is also freezing recruitment, staff will not be replaced. Where recruitment is happening, however, the quality & number of applicants for new posts will reduce as the practice is unable to offer an attractive package to the candidate/s.
Making staff redundant or not covering sickness with overtime will again reduce capacity. Of course, reduced capacity in general practice means fewer appointments & poorer access for patients. This directly contradicts the Government's plans for improving healthcare in the UK.
If practices are expected to bear 100% of the cost of these increases, even a 7.2% uplift to the core contract will not be enough for many practices to maintain services & staffing at current levels. Many practices report that 90-100% of their core contract is spent on staff. Without either an exemption from these increases (as other health & social care providers have been given) or an increase not only to the core contract but across all other local & directed enhanced services, QOF payments and other NHS-funded contracts, general practice won't be able to continue working at the current level & certainly won't be able to improve access for patients. In the worst cases, practices will hand back their contracts and have to close as they will no longer be financially viable.
General practice is the bedrock of the NHS. It's the busiest part of the sector, seeing 90% of NHS contacts every day. The above figures are stark and we ask the Government to consider them seriously when planning the next GP contract."
WhatsApp Channel
22nd Feb

WhatsApp Channel

We are excited to announce our new one-way WhatsApp Channel.
Stay up to date with important updates, reminders, & news directly on your phone.
Use this link ( to join or scan the QR code below & join the #TeamGNWMP community.
We are here to keep you informed & connected
Call Back
5th Jan

Call Backs...

Did you know, if you contact the practice by telephone & we are experiencing a high volume of calls, you will be offered the option of a "callback".
This is a fair & intelligent queue distribution system which ensures that callers receive a callback from the surgery when their call would have ordinarily reached the front of the queue.
By selecting callback you are free to go about your day knowing you will be called back at the same point in the queue as you would if you stayed on the line waiting.
Last month, over 2,000 patients used this option. To use, please follow the in-call instructions to book a callback.
5th Jan

Our Reception Administrators...

A GP receptionist plays a crucial role in the primary care team, serving as the first point of contact for patients. Some of their day-to-day responsibilities include:
  • Welcoming Patients: Greeting individuals as they arrive & making them feel comfortable.
  • Managing Appointments: Scheduling & confirming appointments, as well as handling cancellations & rescheduling.
  • Handling Queries: Answering telephone calls & responding to patient inquiries about services & procedures.
  • Data Management: Updating patient records & ensuring that all information is accurately entered into the system.
  • Collaboration: Working closely with GPs & other healthcare professionals to ensure smooth operations.
Reception staff are trained to ask certain questions to ensure that you receive appropriate medical care, from the most appropriate health professional, at the most suitable time.
Contact Details
31st Dec 2024

Are your contact details up to date?

Please ensure we have the most up to date contact details for yourself, these include name, address, mobile telephone number, landline and email address.  These need to be your own details for all patients over the age of 16.

To update your details, select admin request on patient triage - or email the surgery at - thank you.

Patient Triage QR
15th Jul 2024

Booking Appointments

Routine GP appointments will now be bookable 28 days, 14 days, and 2 days in advance.  They will not be available to book online. To book, patients will need to use patient triage (scan the QR code or visit our appointment page), by telephone or in person at front desk.  This is to enable our team to care navigate you to the most suitable service/clinician, not always the GP. 

The first available appointment will be booked for you and sent via SMS/email.  When making a request, please ensure you advise your availability, although this may affect what we can book for you. If your availability is really restrictive, we may ask you to telephone the surgery to discuss further.

We believe this will significantly improve your experience with us.  Our goal is to provide you with the highest quality of care and service, and we are confident that these improvements will help us achieve that.

If you have any questions or need assistance in booking an appointment, please do not hesitate to reach out to one of our Reception Administrators who would be happy to assist you.


14th May 2024

Changes to Phlebotomy

The surgery are only offer blood tests for tests requested via the surgery. All other bloods will need to be booked at Northampton General Hospital (NGH).

To book an appointment at NGH:

We are sorry for any inconvenience this may cause you.


April Appointments
11th May 2024

April Appointments

We appreciate your frustrations as many of you struggle to obtain an appointment where it felt previously you were able to get one more freely. 

General Practice has had to change over the past few years due to lack of funding & forever changing targets set by NHS England & the Government. But, we have been busy, delivering 7️⃣,4️⃣9️⃣9️⃣ appointments to our patient population in April, as well as unseen work not shown here. 

General Practice existed decades before the NHS arrived, & over time, GP practices have had to adapt, modernise, use technology, & embrace the talents of the multidisciplinary team. 

You can still book appointments over front desk or over the telephone, but only when we have one available. The faults with the NHS, lack of appointments, & demand, are not the responsibility of our hard working reception staff.

Only a percentage of our appointments are now available to book online, this is to ensure we can care navigate & signpost patients to the most appropriate clinician, not always the GP. 

Appointments with GPs are bookable by reception on the day, 7 days & 14 days in advance depending on need, but when they are booked we have no choice but to direct you elsewhere & to utilise online services to help you. 

Please #BeKind to #TeamGNWMP, we are all doing our best to help 💙🌈

Appointment Expectations
11th May 2024

What should I expect from my hospital or community appointment?

For some years, practices throughout Northamptonshire have been asked to organise work that should, by right, be completed either by the Hospitals or the Community Trusts (NHFT), even though no additional resources were offered to help us do this.

Unfortunately, mounting primary care challenges mean this activity can no longer be sustained. Our practices are working harder than ever, and some are reaching breaking points. 90% of patient contacts occur in primary care, even though we get just 8% of the NHS budget.

Northamptonshire’s population is experiencing increasingly complex challenges that must be supported, so we can no longer commit to conducting unfunded activity that should be completed elsewhere. After much consideration, practices right across the county have advised the leadership that they can no longer undertake this unfunded activity.

From 1st May 2024, we are asking the Hospitals and NHFT to complete all their own work. We will return correspondence to them where necessary. If needed, we aim to direct you to the best hospital point of contact to help resolve your issue. Meanwhile, if you have any concerns or comments about these changes, then please email them to the address below:

GP Appointments
8th Apr 2024

GP Appointments - February 2024

  • Around 30.5 million standard (non-COVID-19 vaccination) appointments were booked in February 2024, with an average of 1.45m appointments being delivered per working day. This is lower than the average of 1.48m appointments per working day the previous month.
  • An average of 1.40m appointments per day were booked in the past year (March 2023– February 2024).
  • The number of COVID-19 vaccination appointments decreased significantly from about 11,700 in January 2024 to approximately 140 in February 2024.
  • In terms of access, the proportion of appointments booked to take place the same day has decreased slightly from the previous month: 43.5% of appointments in February 2024 were booked to take place on the same day, compared to almost 45% in January 2024.

Appointments booked to take place face to face stayed the same – about 67% of appointments in both January 2024 and February 2024. 45.2% of appointments were delivered by a GP in February 2024: a slight decrease since the previous month (45.5%).

NHS Digital
8th Apr 2024

GP Workforce - February 2024

  • There are 32 fewer fully qualified, full-time equivalent GPs in February 2024 than January 2024, the first month showing a fall in FTE numbers after seven months of sustained increases. We have the equivalent of 1,862 fewer fully qualified full-time GPs than we did in September 2015.
  • The number of GP practices in England has decreased by 105 over the past year – reflecting a long-term trend of closures as well as mergers. This fall in both staff numbers and GP practice coincides with a rise in patients: as of February 2024, there was another record-high of 63.20 million patients registered with practices in England – an average of 10,018 patients registered per practice.
  • As a result, each full-time equivalent GP is now responsible for an average of 2,298 patients. This is an increase of 360 patients per GP, or nearly 19%, since 2015, demonstrating the ever-mounting workload in general practice
5th Apr 2024

Contacting the surgery

Some of our patients are waiting longer than we would like to get through to us. We can appreciate this frustration & wanted to explain what our patients can do to help alleviate the long waits & demands on us.
Last month, we received over 13,000 telephone calls into the surgery, this was the equivalent of 82.8% of our patient population.
Our busiest times are 0800-1100 hrs, this is consistent across all days. If you are looking for an appointment on the same day (for a matter that cannot be dealt with by a local pharmacy or should be seen at A&E) it is best to use patient triage ➡️ to save waiting on the telephone or telephone as early as you can. If your matter is not urgent, please telephone later in the day.
On the day demand is booked with a member of our duty team & can be at either site, usually a face to face appointment. Routine appointments are bookable up to 14 days in advance for GPs or up to 28 days for all other clinicians. They are a mix of face to face or telephone consultations.
We do not have infinite resource, but #TeamGNWMP will care navigate to help, to work with you to find the right support for your issue. This will mean that when you get through to us they may ask additional questions. This is to #HelpUsHelpYou & we ask that you are as honest as possible with them. It may mean that they direct you to another service not in the practice, for example the pharmacy, who can help.
The average call time for incoming calls is 5 minutes, we try & spend time with everyone to ensure they get the quality of service that we would like to receive, this can mean it may take us longer to get to you.
It would really help us if you have a pen & paper (or electronic diary open) when you call us to make an appointment. Some of the calls we receive are for patients checking their appointment time. You can also do this via SystmOnline or NHS App.
Your local pharmacy is the best place to go for any minor ailments such as coughs & colds, rashes, vaginal thrush, headaches, back pain or things like viruses.
Please do not be upset if you are directed to them after you have waited on the telephone to speak to us, it is not the fault of our Reception team, if it is clinically the right place to go.
If you have an injury that you think might need stitches, or an xray you need to go to A&E, we cannot stitch or request urgent rays, you are not wasting the hospitals time if you need them you must go there.
We are sorry we cannot take requests for prescriptions over the telephone. This is not because we are lazy, medication is complicated. It is so we know exactly what you want & at what dose. Requests received verbally can easily be misheard or misunderstood.
Many things that you telephone us for can be done over SystmOnline or the NHSApp. You can look at your records, order your medication & find out the result of your tests. This saves you & us time.
Our website is also full of useful information.
If you are unsure if its us or the hospital or somewhere else you need to contact, you can ring 111 or use the symptom checker on line (
Thank you.
25th Feb 2024


Download the latest NHS App update.

The NHS App has been redesigned to make it simpler and easier to access NHS services.

Some items have moved within the App, but all the health services you need are still available. Your settings will remain the same before and after the update too. 

The new, user-friendly version of the NHS App makes it easier to: 

- order repeat prescriptions 

- book appointments 

- access 111 Online

- view your GP record

and much more…

Need some help using the NHS App? Use the in-app Help feature or visit

Pharmacy First
25th Feb 2024

Pharmacy First

The new Pharmacy First scheme has launched, meaning you can now get treatment for 7 common ailments directly from your pharmacist instead of needing your GP. 

The 7 conditions are:

  • impetigo
  • ear ache
  • sinusitis
  • sore throats
  • insect bites
  • shingles
  • uncomplicated urine infection
9th Dec 2023


Welcome to our new website. 

Through our website, we hope to improve our services for our patients and enable you to find information you require.  If you would like us to feature anything on our website please let us know via email to