Clinics We Offer

Chronic Disease Management:
Patients with life-long diseases, e.g. diabetes, asthma, COPD, hypertension or heart disease, need regular follow-up for these chronic diseases. Our Practice Nurses have been specifically trained in these areas and are running regular clinics to monitor these patients in order to keep them as active and healthy as possible. Patients are usually invited to attend during their birthday month.
The practice offers an annual review for the management of diabetes. An initial appointment is needed with a Health Care Assistant for bloods, blood pressure, urine test, weight and foot pulses followed by a telephone review with a Practice Nurse.
The practice offers an annual review for the management of asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (copd). A telephone or face to face appointment with a Practice Nurse. Once an appointment has been booked, where possible, patients will be sent an online questionnaire to complete and return to the practice for the information to be avaialble prior to the appointment.
Hypertension/Heart Disease:
The practice offers an annual review for the management of hypertension and heart disease. An initial appointment is needed with a Health Care Assistant for bloods and blood pressure before a telephone or face to face consultation with a Clinical Pharmacist.

Childhood Immunisations:
Childhood immunisations start at two months of age. Immunisation clinics are held by appointment every week on Thursday's at our Greens Norton site and Wednesday's at Weedon.
The appointments are generated through Child Health Services and you will be sent the details a few days prior to the appointment date. If the date and time are inconvenient please inform Reception and Child Health Services will send an alternative appointment. If you do not receive a reminder, or are in any way concerned, please contact us for advice.

Blood Tests:
Blood tests are taken by our Health Care Assistants for patients aged 14 years and over, and all requests must be authorised by a GP.
Alternatively to attending the surgery, you can have blood tests at the Blood Taking Unit (BTU), Area H at Northampton General Hospital (NGH).
There are changes to the phlebotomy services at NGH and all patients must now have an appointment to attend the BTU.
Appointments for a blood test can be made via If you are unable to book via their online facility, appointments for both adult and paediatric blood taking can be booked Monday to riday, between 09.00-15.30 hrs by telephoning 01604 544190 / 523303.
Appointments will be offered:
- Monday to Friday - 08.00-16.00 hrs
- Saturday - 08.00-12.30 hrs
- Monday to Friday - 08.00-11.30 hrs
There is limited wiating space, so please arrive on time for your appointment (not early or late).
The Maternity Unit at NGH will make arrangements for maternity patients to have their bloods taken.
If a child requires a blood test, the BTU at NGH will open for paediatric patients on a Monday only (between 10.00-11.00 hrs).
Blood Pressure Checks:
Blood pressure (BP) checks are carried out by our Health Care Assistants.
Cervical Smears:
It is an important screening test for all women between 25 and 65, at the surgery is carried out by Practice Nurses. Northampton Screening Office automatically call or recall women as follows:
- 25 years - first invitation
- 25-49 years - every three years
- 50-64 years - every five years
- 65+ years - only those who have not been screened since age 50, or have had recent abnormal tests.
If you think that you may have missed a recall then please contact the Practice.

Chlamydia Screening For Under 25 Year Olds:
Chlamydia is a common sexually transmitted infection that can easily be treated with antibiotics. If untreated, chlamydia can lead to complications such as infertility. There is a simple, painless, free test that you can do yourself. If you are under 25 years of age and would like a test please speak to one of the practice nurses.

Family Planning:
The practice provides a full family planning service. The fitting of coils and caps and the insertion of implants are by appointment only. For other methods of contraception, please make a routine appointment with a GP. Our Practice Nurses offer yearly contraceptive pill reviews.
Child Health Surveillance:
This is undertaken at regular intervals on all children from birth to school age.
6–8 weeks with a GP along with the postnatal check for mother
8–9 months with a Health Visitor (arranged externally by the Health Visitor's Hub)

Dressings & removal of stitches:
Dressings and removal of stitches are carried out by our Health Care Assistants and Practice Nurses.
Joint Injection Clinic:
A steroid joint injection clinic is provided on a regular basis after referral from your doctor.
Minor Surgery:
Dr Akram and Dr Harper carry out minor surgery procedures by appointment
Weight Management:
If you would like help with managing your weight please make an appointment to see one of our Practice Nurses.