Attached Staff Services

AAA Screening:
The Northamptonshire AAA Screening Programme offers free screening for men over 65 years of age for Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms. To request a scan or for more information telephone 01604 523276, email Web address
Community Nurses:
Community Nurses are available for the nursing care of housebound patients in their own homes. Arrangements can be made through your doctor or directly with the team. The team can be contacted on 0300 777 0002.

Health Visitor and Child & Young Persons (CYP) Nurse:
The Health Visitors provide child health surveillance and parenting support and can be contacted on 0300 1111 022.
The CYP nurse (School Nurse) can be contacted on 01604 742418 or 01327 708836.
A well-baby drop-in clinic with the Health Visitor is held once a month on the third Wednesday during term time at the Weedon Primary School from 1000-1130 hrs and on the first Wednesday of the month at the Towcester Library 0900-1200 hrs No appointment needed.

Macmillan Nurses:
The practice is able to call upon a team of Macmillan Nurses based at Danetre Hospital, Daventry. These nurses provide extra support for the terminally ill and their families.